Organizational Tips for Spring and Summer
Spring is here and summer is on its way. That means getting ready for outdoor adventures and vacations. While we all look forward to longer days and warm weather, buying, storing, and keeping track of everything you need to enjoy your favorite activities can be stressful at times. Follow these simple tips to stay organized and make the most of your spring and summer.
Put Away Your Sweaters
As the weather warms up, remove sweaters, boots, and other fall and winter gear from your wardrobe. This makes it easier to choose an outfit when you’re getting dressed on a hot day. You can also use this spring wardrobe swap as an opportunity to sort through your fall and winter clothes. Store what you want to keep in an accessible place and label the boxes so you can find these items easily in autumn. Consider donating or recycling any winter pieces you haven’t worn in the last year.
Have A System
Store items that you use together – like inner tubes and beach blankets – in the same place. Clearly label all your storage boxes, bags, and baskets. If you want to stay really organized, create a master list of where everything is stored that you can refer to whenever you need to find something.
Donate or sell whatever spring and summer items you’re not using anymore to create more storage space. Also try to simplify when you pack for vacation. If you think you can probably do without a second cooler or that extra pair of shoes, you’ll enjoy having more space in the car or fewer bags to check at the airport.
Stock Up For Next Year
In August and September, sunscreen, swimsuits, and other spring and summer essentials often go on clearance. Why not figure out what you’ll need next year and stock up on whatever is on sale to save money? That way you can hit the beach or the hiking trail on the first warm day of the year without making a shopping trip.
Upgrade Your Storage
Is the closet you use for spring and summer items overflowing and impossible to organize? Or is your garage crammed full of bags and bins? This spring and summer, if you find that you need more storage space, More Space Place is here to help! We provide high-quality custom storage solutions for every room of the house. Contact us for more info or schedule a free design consultation.
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