How to Clean Your Custom SpaceManager Closet System

Your dream closet has finally been installed and you want to know, what you do you need to do to keep it clean. Believe it or not, we get this question quite often and the answer is simple.

At SpaceManager Closets, we design, manufacture and install custom closets, pantries, craft rooms, entertainment centers and more but we like to educate our readers about all types of closet and organizing solutions. In this article, we’ve offered the essential thing to do when you are trying to keep you new custom closet system clean. By the time you finish reading this, you should have a better idea as to how to properly care for your new system whether it is in your garage, closet or laundry room.

Wiping your system down periodically with a dry rag or duster is really all you need to keep your system clean. Simple right? There are some people that want to use an actual cleaner and our advice is to use a non-water based cleaner like Formula 409, Simple Green, Windex, or any other furniture dusting products. The important thing to remember is to not overly saturate the system with water or any cleaning product and your system should last a life time.

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