Fall Cleaning Guide: More Cleaning Tips to Declutter
A continuation from my previous post Fall Cleaning tips Part 1. Here are some more suggestions for both inside and outside fall cleaning.
Here are some things to consider taking care to prepare for winter:
Clean gutter and downspouts.
Rake leaves weekly, dispose via city or county regulations or mulch to use for soil around plants and shrubs.
Build a composter to collect leaves, garden and food waste. As it decomposed, it becomes great soil conditioner to use in the spring.
Clean planting areas. Remove and discard annuals. Cut back spent perennial steps up to the ground. Rake up twigs, broken stems, and discard.
Wrap plants that aren’t winter hardy. After cold weather sets in, shape and trim trees and shrubbery as needed.
Plant winter hardy bulbs like tulips and daffodils. Tamp down soil with leaves.
Mow grass as needed. Fertilize as appropriate for your climate.
Drain the sprinkler system and hoses. Remove hoses from spigot and store coiled and flat (hanging causes weak spots.)
Caulk gaps or cracks in homes exterior.
Close or install storm windows.
Clean and store any patio, pool and outside furniture.
Winterize lawn mower by draining gas, sharpening blade and changing oil. Prepare for storage by draining fuel tank or add fuel protectant. Clean dirt and debris from the outside.
Test to operate the snow blower. Check to make sure you have shovels on hand as well as an emergency kit in cars.
Stock up on plant friendly ice melt or salt to ensure you won’t have any falls this winter.
A continuation of our other indoor Fall Cleaning tips.
Spring Clothes: anything that needs to go dry cleaners and store the rest in another room or a section of your closet.
Clean dryer vent.
Schedule fall furnace inspection and chimney cleaning before cold weather sets in. If your furnace has a pilot light, check to see if it is in working order. If you use firewood, order it now. Make sure you know what kind of firewood is okay to burn. This was something my husband and I learned a few years ago.
Change air filters. If you have an oil burning furnace, change the in line fuel filter.
Stock up on furnace filters.
Clean dehumidifiers before storing them for the winter. Make sure working properly before storing.
Check batteries smoke detectors, carbon monoxide. Do with changing of time. Get fire extinguisher for kitchen if you don’t have one.
Check the caulking around windows and seals around doors.
Now is the time to get any help you need reserved and on the calendar—throwing a party and need caterer, bartenders, Santa Clause. Don’t wait until last minute.
What fall cleaning tips will you conquer this week? What other tasks do you need to do for fall cleaning?
Go out clear some clutter to create the life you choose, deserve & desire!
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The post Fall Cleaning Guide Part 2 to a Clean Home appeared first on Reawaken Your Brilliance.
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